The Week Of (2018)
29 April 2018
The Week Of (2018) made me laugh at least a dozen times, and yet seemed unsatisfying. I didn't really like or identify with any of the characters, most of whom were caricatures, rather than three-dimensional, which is understandable, considering the large cast. The bride and groom have very little screen time, although the theme of the movie revolves about the role and expectations of parenting. The film doesn't push the envelope. The jokes are humorous, but not hilarious. The bachelor party is extremely tame. The sexy scenes aren't particularly sexy. A middle-class Jewish girl marries a black guy who doesn't seem very black. But then, she doesn't seem very Jewish. Rather than examining and exploiting the differences in culture and religious beliefs, they are largely ignored, as if of no more consequence than hair color or opinion as to the best actor in the role of James Bond. Any racist or xenophobic sentiments are tempered to embracing stereotypes. However, the most successful humor is based on lampooning some of these assumptions. The movie isn't especially exciting, cathartic, cerebral, outrageous, or anything else. It feels like a DTV movie. I'm not a huge Adam Sandler fan, but his films usually offer exotic locations, gorgeous women and outrageous humor. This reminds me of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie with Jack Sparrow's malfunctioning compass. It has no direction. There are several dozen subplots that lead nowhere and a central theme that seems predictable and hopelessly schmaltzy. I can't hate the movie, but neither can I like it.
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