When you can't beat 'em shoot 'em.
30 April 2018
Last Seen In Idaho has cool and disinterested contract killer Casper Van Dien shooting down the election opponent of small town mayor Richard Carmen. Just for good measure Van Dien throws in a witness who stumbled upon the shooting which took place in a parking garage.

Later on he brings both bodies to an auto body shop (how appropriate) where the owner does a sideline disappearing human bodies. But that day Hallie Shepherd witnesses these goings on and her boss's killings and flees the scene and gets into a car crash.

After that she's in a coma for 3 months and then wakes up with little memory, but disturbing visions. And she gets a new boyfriend Wes Ramsey giving her the big rush. But Ramsey's got ulterior motives.

A lot of extraneous material gets thrown into this modest thriller which certainly wasn't in theatrical release too long. It has an interesting climax where a whole lot of people get dead and the identity of a mysterious local crime boss is revealed and it's a surprise.

I'm not sure if Casper Van Dien's portrayal of a bad guy who is as cold as an Arctic day in December is disinterest or part of the character. I like him so much better as a hero. For the days of being Tarzan or Johnny Rico.
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