Overboard (2018)
It's an OK movie, but a great remake. Overall, very good.
5 May 2018
I will agree that this remake of the 1987 movie...seems lazy. If you've watched the original you'll notice that this 2018 flick follows the plot tightly close, almost to a fault.

But I kinda like that they did that. Technically, it's like a scene in the movie when Eugenio Derbez who plays Leonardo is making Spaghetti and Meatballs and he does not like the plan taste of store brought sauce, so he switches it up and adds some new flavor to it.

Switching the genders of the characters was one new flavor. Anna Faris takes Kurt Russell's role as a single parent trying to keep her head afloat and can use some help. Though Russell does the part better, and it would have been just as nice in this day and age to see a single dad doing his thing, the purpse of Faris in the role was to fully make clear the idea of how hard it is for a lower class single parent to get by and how they could use help.

Meanwhile Derbez does a far better job in Goldie Hawn's role. He's just so convincing as a man from a different world so removed he cannot even compute with working for a living.

This remake also adds more depth to itself by putting more fine details in the supporting characters. Like given the children in the movie more individual personalities, and the addiction of Eva Longoria who plays Theresa. She character has a counter part in the original, but indeed Longoria adds more flavor to it (with the help of Mel Rodriguez who plays her husband, hilariously).

I love Spaghetti no matter how it's cook, and I have to say this was a worth wild remake. It's strange remaking Overboard because the film, while good, is kinda mediocre and does not seem worthy, but the story itself is worth of an update and I love how they added some spice to it.
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