Fast Workers (1933)
A Sad End to Gilbert's Career
13 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a story of a group of riveters in New York City and the "dames" they hang out with during the early 1930's. None of the characters have any redeeming characteristics (Gilbert and Clarke); some are really annoying ( Holloway, Barnett and Toones) and some are just really stupid (Armstrong). The script is incoherent at best and the story seems to careen from cliche to cliche without any semblance of meaning. It scares me to think who MGM thought this movie would appeal to.

Clarke plays a call girl infatuated with Gilbert. Gilbert of course, cannot be captured by any woman, so he treats her badly throughout the film. Clarke in turn uses Armstrong for his money while cheating with Gilbert. Gilbert's character is essentially bipolar. He lurches from one mood to the next without any motivation.

Browning's direction is merely adequate. There are only a few good close ups, and when they come you are surprised there are not more. As another reviewed noted, the movie turns dark toward the end and Armstrong actually delivers some intensity to his performance. But it is short lived.

If you are an unquenchable Gilbert fan then you will see him in anything and will enjoy the screen time he gets here. If you are not a big fan, then this movie is only a curiosity and difficult one to endure.
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