Review of Sweetbitter

Sweetbitter (2018–2019)
By millenials for Millenials
14 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm seeing ads for this everywhere.

Watched one episode, painfully stupid.

My wife and I like food porn. So despite the mediochre reviews, we gave it a shot, hoping to see something cool set in a fine dining restaurant.

The first few minutes are fine. Then we get the millennial job interview. She has no skills. She knows how to bus and that's it. So, since she has no experience doing anything remotely useful, the interviewer asks her "I see you graduated with a BFA in English. What are you reading now?" "I'm not reading anything now."

This could have been a good spot to enhance the character with some insight into her personality. It could have been a good spot to give the interviewer a reason to hire her. It could have been a number of things. INstead. "I'm not reading anything right now." Really? You want to talk about something you read in the past? A book you loved? A book you just finished? No? None of that? Just stare out the windows? "I'm not reading anything right now." Done. And wow.

She leaves the interview with "I've been to a lot of places today but this place is different."

Not, "I like what you're going for here. I really like this place. I felt a real connection to you. I feel like I belong here, give me a shot." Nope. This place is different. Thanks I guess?

So of course she gets the job and then spends her first day doing, essentially nothing. Not as far as work is concerned. She wanders around staring at people, gets cut somehow, I'm still not sure how since she was never near a knife. She is told to "wipe down salt shakers" and fails to complete this very basic task. Literally, someone else takes care of the 12 salt shakers because she got distracted.

Then finishes the day (having done zero work) by drinking champagne and eating oysters in the walk in cooler.

When the guy is opening oysters she asks "How do you even learn how to do something like that."

What the actual hell does that even mean? THE SAME WAY YOU LEARN ANYTHING ELSE? WHAT ARE YOU EVEN ASKING?

As she tastes her first oyster she sees sunsets and the ocean and her head explodes (I wish.) When asked what she tastes, she says "Salt. Can I have another?"

How about "I taste the ocean and summer and life and adventure."

Nope. She tastes salt. Horrible.

I can only assume this is a show by millennials for millennials. Give me a job because I'm special without showing you why I'm special and then I will show up and vapidly stare at things and not actually work.
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