Review of Targets

Targets (1968)
Karloff Karloff Karloff
17 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Targets is a pointless but engaging thriller, that's a mixed mess.

So the film started off in another film and I had no idea what film I was watching or what it was about, so that was pretty cool. Every review raves about Karloff, I'm suppose to care who that is am I? I know he was in "Frankenstein." Anyway, he was fine, though the bit at the end where he walks up to the killer and slaps him is laughable. So Bobby says to his wife "You don't think I can do anything do you" and that's all we learn about why he goes off killing people. Byron says "Nobody cares about a painted monster anymore" and points to his newspaper about a shooting, when there's real horror out there. The two separate stories come together in a silly conclusion. One with depth that's uneventful and the other eventful without any depth, It's not a great film nor is it a bad film, it's fine.
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