Saints Row 2 (2008 Video Game)
The over - the - top action and an amazing environment made Saints Row 2 an amazing and a mindblowing masterpiece.
18 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
(WARNING! : This review may contain spoilers. maybe....)

I played Saints Row 2 on the PC for 2-3 hours, and I really loved it. I knew that this game had one of the worst PC ports ever, So, I played it with IdolNinja's Gentlemen of the Row. This mod makes the game a lot more better than the vanilla version, The game had a lot of great reviews and Saints Row fans liked this game. A lot and a lot of people wanted to play this game, even though it has been backwards compatible on Xbox One and Xbox One X.

So, lets dive right in into the full review and why I liked this crap from 10 or 11 years of release!

PLOT - I have to copy the entire story in Wikipedia, So, here is the full story.

After the explosion on Alderman Richard Hughes' yacht, the player fell into a coma and was taken to Stilwater's maximum security prison to undergo extensive plastic surgery. Five years later, Carlos Mendoza, the brother of a former Saint, infiltrates the infirmary and helps the player escape. After arriving at the city, the player is informed by Carlos about the demise of the 3rd Street Saints; Julius went missing, Troy Bradshaw became the Chief of Police, and many Saints members were either killed or jailed. After arriving at a bar, the player discovers that Johnny Gat is on trial for 387 murders and looks set for death row. The player breaks into the courtroom and rescues Johnny, taking him to Aisha's house, where they discuss on how to revive the Saints. After learning that the church was turned into a tourist trap, the player and Johnny take over an underground mission and establish as their new headquarters, and soon recruit high-ranking lieutenants for the Saints in Carlos, Pierce Washington and Shaundi. The player then officially becomes the new leader of the Saints and is then referred to as "the Boss" by the rest of the gang.

Maero, the leader of the Brotherhood, calls a meeting with Carlos and the Boss. The Brotherhood and The Saints's meeting is interrupted by cops. After escaping the police, they go back to The Brotherhood's headquarters. Aware that the Saints have very little influence left, he offers to give them 20% of Stilwater while The Brotherhood gets 80%. Insulted, the Saints refuse and declare war on the Brotherhood. With the help of Donnie, a former Westside Rollerz member who now works as Maero's head mechanic, the Boss blows up several of the Brotherhood's prize trucks and laces Maero's private supply of tattoo ink with toxic waste, leaving him with severe facial burns. As revenge, the Brotherhood kidnaps Carlos and drags him through the streets tied to a moving vehicle. With his injuries too severe for medical treatment, Carlos begs for the Boss to put him out of his misery, which the Boss sadly does so by shooting Carlos in the head while holding his hand. Furious at Maero for causing Carlos's death, the Saints abduct his girlfriend Jessica at a bank and lock her in the trunk of a car which is then destroyed by Maero during a Brotherhood-sponsored demolition derby, crushing her to death. With most of his remaining allies locked up, an enraged Maero forces Ultor CEO Dane Vogel to pressure Troy Bradshaw to release them. However, The Boss blows up the prison buses and prison boats before they reach their destination. Vogel orders his company's security forces to confiscate a Brotherhood weapons shipment as "compensation", but the Saints steal it first. Using the stolen weapons, the gang lays waste to the Brotherhood's dockside headquarters. While there, The Boss kills Matt, Maero's personal tattoo artist, for helping Maero escape. Maero calls the Boss to the Ultor Dome, where he and his surviving thugs plan to kill him/her in a demolition derby. The Boss then kills them before confronting the dying Maero. Before Maero can finish his last words, the Boss shoots him in the head, killing him and putting an end to the Brotherhood.

Working alongside Shaundi, the Boss moves to take down The Sons Of Samedi by killing their dealers and destroying their drug farms and labs. DJ Veteran Child, Shaundi's ex-boyfriend and a Sons Of Samedi lieutenant, has her kidnapped and brought to his club, where the Boss confronts and kills him. The General, the founder of The Sons of Samedi, arranges for the Boss to be drugged while his men assault the Saints at their base. Despite being severely intoxicated, the Boss rallies the Saints to fight off the attackers. Mr. Sunshine, the creator of the gang's product, is killed by the Boss whilst attempting to defend his manufacturing plant from a Saints raid. Unable to locate the General, Shaundi and the Boss pose as repair workers and hack the police station's street surveillance cameras to find him. Finally, the Saints organize an ambush of the General's motorcade, eventually tracking down and killing the General in the Stilwater Mall.

To get the Ronin's attention, Pierce, Gat, and the Boss rob their most profitable casino. Fearing disgrace, their leader, Shogo Akuji, orders his enforcer Jyunichi to use Aisha to lure Gat into a trap, which results in Aisha being decapitated and Gat getting severely wounded after losing a katana duel with Jyunichi. After killing Jyunichi in a fight at a restaurant and saving Johnny from Ronin hitmen trying to kill him at the hospital, the Boss receives the location of the Ronin's headquarters from Vogel, angered by Shogo's father, Kazuo, cutting all business ties with Ultor. As a last-ditch effort, Shogo leads a group of Ronin to kill Gat at Aisha's funeral. However, Gat and the Boss kill Shogo's men and bury him alive in a coffin as revenge for Aisha's murder. Kazuo, after surviving an attempt on his life at Wardill Airport, orders a direct attack on The Saints, but fails. Mr. Wong, an old ally of the Boss, is subjected to another attack at his heritage festival in a bid to lure The Saints out. After rescuing Mr. Wong, the Boss beats Kazuo in a sword fight and leaves him to die on a burning boat.

Meanwhile, an increasingly power-hungry Vogel plans to destroy the Saints so he can expand Ultor's control over all of Stilwater. When an initial effort to kill The Saints' leadership is foiled by The Boss, the Saints respond by destroying a high-security Ultor lab. The company's board of directors try to rein in Vogel, so he sends their locations to the Boss, which he uses to kill them. Appointing himself chairman, Vogel hosts a press conference to denounce the Saints. Gat and The Boss open fire on the conference, forcing Vogel to retreat into his office. Destroying the building's defenses, the Boss enters and confronts Vogel. Vogel attempts to fool the Boss by claiming the board of directors were behind the attacks, and tries to make a truce with the Boss by saying that they could unite their resources to control the city, but before Vogel manages to finish his sentence, the Boss shoots him in the mouth, sending Vogel flying off the window to his death in the streets below.

After conquering Stilwater, the Boss has the option of visiting Stilwater Police Headquarters and listening to 3 wiretap conversations recorded under Bradshaw's authority. According to the recordings, Julius was responsible for planting the bomb on Alderman Hughes' yacht that nearly killed the Boss, believing that doing so would allow him to disband the Saints and retire. The Boss can also contact Dex by phone, in which he offers to set up a meeting at The Saints' old base to discuss turning over Julius. If the player does so, however, Julius appears there instead and it becomes clear that Dex plans to have both of them killed on Ultor's behalf. After Julius and the Boss fight the Ultor Masako units across Stilwater in a car chase, the Boss shoots him in an abandoned amphitheater. Still not forgiving Julius for his betrayal, the Boss becomes adamant to kill him. Julius states that the Saints weren't able to change anything, as they had become no better than the gangs that they had been fighting against. The Boss proclaims that Julius's betrayal did help him with one thing: learning to never act as someone's pawn again and being in charge was the better choice. Despite Julius remarking that the Boss would've died if it weren't for him (mentioning the beginning cutscene of the first game), and saying that they were now even, the Boss shows him no mercy and kills him with a headshot, while remarking "not really".

The story is darker, because of the cutscenes.

CHARACTERS - The characters are fine, Pierce, Shaundi and some of the Saints members have been your teammates. Don't get me started with Johnny Gat because he was one of the badass characters in the entire franchise. (till Agents of Mayhem.)

GRAPHICS - The graphics were outdated as hell, but the environment in the game is very awesome to explore. Stilwater has been one of the best cities in the video game industry.

CO - OP AND MULTIPLAYER - Since Gamespy servers were shut down on May 31st 2014, We can play CO - OP and Multiplayer with Tungle and Evolve.


REVIEWS - The reviews were postive by critics and video game lovers by its wackiness and over the top elements in the game, but the Microsoft Windows port was criticized for its awful FPS (Frames Per Second) and its technical issues with crashes.

For this game, I was really liking it, I bought the GOG version and the entire port was improved with Gentlemen of the Row, I even played with this mod (half of it) and even liked it. Some famous youtubers like TheEscapist, mrsaintsgodzilla21 and FL1PPY actually liked this game as well, Some GTA fanboys would call this game a GTA clone, Hell, I even played Grand Theft Auto IV and it was too much realistic due to its graphics and its physics, but it was great. If you wanted to play an over the top sandbox game, I would highly recommend this game, Its just amazing.

(ESRB RATING : This game is rated M for Mature 17+, It contains violence, blood and gore, strong language, nudity and sexual content.)
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