Eureka: Force Quit (2012)
Season 5, Episode 3
Satisfying Resolution
1 June 2018
Force Quit is a satisfying pseudo-final (...we do have the rest of the season for fallout don't we...) chapter in the four-episode package of story elements that began at the end of season four with One Giant Leap and have continued through the first three episodes of season five. While possibly the least-strong of the four, it is still a solid, emotional, funny, and well-constructed episode. The non-Astreaus residents of Eureka have figured out the "who" and the "basic what" and now they need to figure out "where." The residents caught in the matrix are, one by one, figuring out the nature of their dilemma and Force Quit brings it all together. Plenty of physical comedy for Carter keeps a lot of humor in an episode with a fair share or emotional and dark moments, and the balance keeps things running smoothly. Bottom line - enjoy they during a rainy-day afternoon binge.
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