Misfiring Sonja
15 June 2018
The story is not even a paper thin one, it is ludicrous.

A famous scientist is killed by Gestapo, and in fact it was his secretary who had been, and there is no mention of his being look-alike, or even similar stature. But the whole world believed, including Gestapo, that it was he who was killed and the survivor to the shoot out was the secretary ! No one bothered to have a look at the survivor? It wasn't the iron curtain period, and even under the curtain, this type of replacement wasn't possible. For safety, the targets, if they are important, were provided body-double, by the state. But when the state itself was the gun wielder, that is simply ruled out.

This was one of the propaganda movies, sponsored by administration and executed by Hollywood, and followed the exact formula of those, ridiculously incompetent and stupid enemy, and virtuous 'countrymen'. This type of misrepresentations brings down the merit of movie, but on another angle, it was necessary to bring warm the blood of the people, before making it to boil. But once the period is over, these movies neither have any historical significance, and least of all artistic one.

Being a propaganda movie, it needed some additional attraction, and most of these, were from the 'imported' stars, who might have been more than ready to compromise, to get into good books. Sonja had been 'pawn'-ed on this angle, and unfortunately, except her name, her skills were not used. Though she didn't have wooden face like a few of the sport/ music celebrities used, but still she wasn't much of an actress. Her talent was the ice-routines, and in this movie, there was only one, and that too forced in. It was a dream sequence, but whereas in 'One in a Million' there was some context, here there were absolutely none, and that too, for a few minutes.

Both the leading men in her life were cads, to use it mildly, she knew and still fell and so much so, that she brought the enemy into the secret lair, where her father was kept hidden !

Well, with this infantile plot, Sonja without show-casing her talents (except a few minutes) it should go back to the can, once its purpose has ended (say December 1941).

I feel sorry for Sonja, but on the other angle, all the actor and actresses of those times were practically white slaves, only a handful could dare (even Bette Davis couldn't), and that too probably since their box-office values far more offset their 'rebellion'.
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