Definitely Against (web)
13 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I don't speak about my opinion on the issue of abortion but about the movie's one. So i'm sure that the Pro would reject it and the Against would praise it! I just notice that having upper classes as main characters is not recent because it already happens in 1916! As today those people are considered flawless, models for ill-born people (like told in the movie) and as expected it's always those shining white angels who sins the much! They moralize everyone but fails to see what happens in their own family! All the more that his wife is not the only one black sheep: her brother nearly abuses the daughter's housekeeper and just denies all responsability when it matters! The other thing that strikes much is the term Eugenic marriage: here it implies that WASP privilegied families marry among themselves to keep the superior gens. Definitely there are (awful) things that will never change. So it's a good movie because you can't just stand still!
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