Lana's career was winding down dramatically here
22 July 2018
She was 40 by this movie, and we all know what Hollywood does to 40+ actresses; they hit the eject button. It doesn't help that Lana's figure doesn't look anywhere near the way it's portrayed on the box cover. "Lovely for her age" is not the same as lovely, and this Lana for a long time reminded no one of her Postman Rings Twice zenith. She managed to hold on for 5 more films before allowing Hollywood to wash her out.

As bloodless as the coupling of Zimbalist and Turner is, it's exceeded by the dull essaying of a role by George Hamilton (sans tan). It takes Yvonne Craig to crank things up a bit, over halfway thru the movie. But then we're dragged back into Zimbalist and Turner moping around over "lost love". This is one of those proper New England movies of the era, and some of them are quite good. This one is quite concocted. The evercalm Emfrem all of a sudden loses his temper over wild speculation about 2/3rds in, and it comes completely out of left field, as if Claude Rains were to all of a sudden blow up.

The movie lacks pacing, and at 2+ hours just seems to drag the entire second half.
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