Hope They Were Paid Well...May Be Their Last Check
23 July 2018
The first five minutes of this movie cracked me up. So definitely watch it then shut it off immediately because the next hour and change is painfully bad. Spade's a terrible dad who looks like Joe Dirt's brother and sounds like a poor mans Adam Sandler (must be an inside joke or wink to the crowd) regardless it was annoying. Here's the plot: Think fourth grade cafeteria table taunting classmates with the "my dad can beat your dad up" line. Only it's 20 somethings and both dad's couldn't fight to save their lives. Seriously, what were they thinking?

It's unfathomable that Sandler's Happy Madison production couldn't find comedic writers in need of a break, who could churn out something passable, which this film is not. And shame on you Netflix. Have you no standards?! This is a Netflix original. There must have been some suit who green-lit this dumpster fire. They need to be replaced ASAP.

Like you, I saw this on Netflix and went to IMDB to see what people were saying. Being a new movie, there weren't many reviews but the few I saw were consistent...BAD! I should have taken their advice. Take mine and watch Spade's funny performance in a "red neck jacuzzi", then ABORT. The next and last joke is on us for watching.
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