Disenchantment (2018–2023)
18 August 2018
Stop reviewing a show based on half an episode and acting like u can develop a world in 10 mins! Futurama and even The Simpsons took a good season or two to hit their stride. Having said that, this is its own show and it is going to be fine as long as we allow it to be its own thing and don't limit it by looking at it thru Futurama/Simpsons lenses. Go in with an open mind and don't let it become a self fulfilling prophecy by nitpicking every little thing thru comparing it to Groening's past work. It's not a remake and there is no possible physical way you can know if this show is boring or poorly paced (it's not)if you've only watched 12 mins of it, a trap I see seriously like 48% of the reviews on here falling victim to. Look for the positives, Bc they objectively outweigh any negatives. Anything in the universe u go into looking to compare to something else, you're going to be disappointed in, Bc you're putting it in a box that's impossible for it to break out of and looking for it to match nostalgia, emotions from when you were different person, that evolve as we grow. A lot of people don't understand with shows like this by creators we expect to blow us away, it's not the show they don't like, it's that they can't recapture the feeling They had when watching the older work. It's the way they currently feel they don't like, and look for anyway to deflect having to accept that. Even if they are looking at the show, With that logic, the best it can be is as good as whatever they're using to compare, Bc that's the ceiling its not being allowed to climb above. Personally, I did not like Futurama when it started but now it's one of my fav Cartoons of all time. By the time the tenth ep of Disenchantment hit I was def already into it and loved the over arching story arc. THESE SHOWS TAKE TIME TO DEVELOP! Stop hating, and holding Groening to unrealistic expectations!!! Can't wait for more!!!

With all the garbage on TV today I was more than happy to binge something light and funny that still takes time to build a fantastic world and allows stories to naturally evolve within it. The longer a show like this runs the better it gets, so let's support things like this, rather than allowing our collective need to be edgy and unique on the internet to outweigh well meaning creativity.........here's to hoping for 5-6 seaons!!! Cheers!
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