Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Seeing Red (2002)
Season 6, Episode 19
A Turning Point
21 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In "Seeing Red", Willow and Tara are back together and everyone's gleeful about the whole thing. The Trio locate some powerful gems that make you practically invincible and ultra-powerful. Warren and Andrew plan to use Jonathan as a scapegoat after pulling off a string of robberies. Xander copes with his recent romance struggles by hitting the bottle. Spike shows up at Buffy's house to apologize for what happened between him and Anya. Something in him takes over and he attempts to assault her. An injured Buffy is barely able to fight him off.

Now she must go deal with the Trio. She destroys the gems but Warren is able to escape. Andrew and Jonathan are arrested. A confused Spike leaves town. Xander and Buffy make up. As they share a tender moment, an irate Warren shows up and shoots Buffy in her backyard. A stray bullet catches Tara inside the house. Both lay dying as the episode ends and Willow angrily begins kicking in her dark magical powers.

This episode seemed very run of the mill... that is until this ending! It seemed like the cliched action episode: the hero foils the villain's plan but he manages to escape to try new schemes and live another day. But Joss is able to turn that cliche on its head when Warren returns with a pistol and a vendetta against Buffy!

This show really hit something on the head years before it was widespread. And that is this idea of these keyboard misogynists upset at the world, upset they can't get girls, money, power. In the modern age, most of this class just whines and laments on the internet and attend "Male Rights" rallies. But Joss introduces these characters in a world where magic and witchcraft exist, where they can harness energies to become powerful. It's scary to think what some of these guys would do in real life with those orbs! But this type of villain was rare back in those days but is something completely believable by the modern scope.

This whole season has been about fragmentation inside the gang. Everyone has been going off in different directions. The last five minute of this episode though, felt like everything was starting to re-approach normalcy. That is until Warren shows up and reintroduces conflict to the plot line. We as viewers know Buffy won't stay dead (after all it is her show) but there is a real chance this might be the last we see of Tara. BtVS has been unafraid to kill supporting cast characters in the past and Tara has never felt exactly indispensable. I enjoy her character and home this isn't the end of her arc but, if it is, we had a good run.
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