unbelievable omissions
21 August 2018
I agree with the other reviewer that it is perfectly extraordinary in 2017 that a documentary of Cary Grant should fail not only to discuss in any way his reltionship with Randolph Scott, with whom he lived, more or less as a couple, for more than ten years but does not even once mention Scott's name. While spotting "gay" tendencies in figures of the past can be a very tedious sport, there is not really any serious doubt about Grant's bisexuality and a biography that ignores it, while talking extensively of his difficulty in discovering who he was, is ridiculous. Had the film been made fifty years ago, one would understand, but in 2017 it is almost beyond belief. It is not as if any of it makes one jot of difference to the fact that he was a marvellous actor! or for that matter detracts in any way from his stature as a person. Even though one appreciates that the omission is out of respect for the views of Grant's daughter, who appears in the film, It is still crass dishonesty on the part of the film-maker and rather foolish jealous denial of the past on the part of the descendant.
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