Apartment 143 (2011)
23 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The main problem with Apartment 143 is not the movie itself, but the fact we have been inundated with a host of hand held ghost stories that are "real" found footage with actors. The production by itself is decent, but given the fact we have seen it before will cause one to quickly get bored.

Three ghost hunters investigate the bizarre events at the apartment of Alan White (Kai Lennox). Paul (Rick Gonzalez) is the technology guy and the one we have to blame for all the cameras. Ellen (Fiona Glascott) is the secretary and assistant but vastly prefers the title "gate keeper." The brains of the operation is Dr. Hezler (Michael O'Keefe). Alan has two children: Benjamin (Damian Roman) who is four and Caitlin (Gia Mantegna) who is at that difficult age. Caitlin has a very cold if not hateful relationship with her father, which immediately makes you think we are headed down the ghost/incest lane, something that has become too much of a substitution for good writing here of late.

The mother Cindy has passed on. They believe she is the haunting spirit. Caitlin blames her father for her death.

This production is subject to the same criticism of all found film productions. This one experiments with an idiotic head mounted camera that gives the film a "fish eye" view. The writing and acting were acceptable "B" grade fair. The scare factor was middle of the road. The main problem with this film is that we didn't get to feel for the characters. We got to know about them, but just didn't care.

PARENTAL GUIDE: F-bomb, no sex or nudity.
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