Disenchantment (2018–2023)
Definitely a Worthwhile Watch
31 August 2018
Before I begin I highly recommend that you watch the show fully. No matter how you feel about the start of the season (Which could go either way), the ending episodes will make you understand why you should watch all the way through.

Nonetheless I believe that we are witnessing the birth of what could be an amazing serialized show. Future seasons could tell an amazing story that will set out in a world that could be quite expansive and deep and thrilling, while remaining funny and interesting. At least that is what they set up for themselves.

The season starts off sort of slow, which personally I like. It introduces us to the characters and gets us familiar with them while providing good entertainment, showing their strengths and weaknesses, adding detail to the part of the world that we are in, and setting up storylines.

I'm personally glad that they stayed in the kingdom for as long as they did, I feel connected to the Kingdom and will feel for whatever happens to it. The main trio is expanded upon marvelously. Especially Elfo and Beane as we see what makes them, them. They have flaws and character quirks, but they have beauty in them. They feel like what characters should feel like. They are neither perfect, nor are they completely useless. Lucy also gets a surprising amount of development. Even the King gets developed as the season comes to an end, which I enjoyed.

Chekhov's Gun is in full effect which I enjoy, as characters are rarely discarded outright making the kingdom feel alive and interconnected.

Overall I would say don't worry about people saying that it starts out slow, this isn't a movie, this is a series that should stay for a long time. This first season brought us into this world and gave us a shovel. It didn't waste ten episodes by running all around and barely scraping over everywhere. We have places to explore, people to meet, and a home to come back to that will be familiar and loved.

In the end the ball is in the Creators' court. Hopefully the prove me right and use the rest of the show's seasons to expand upon this world they developed, to take chances, and to crack some good jokes.

Damn this is going to be a long year to wait.
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