Word Party (2016– )
7 September 2018
My baby has been attracted to this show since 2 months old! Now, at 8 months, she absolutely loves it! She looks straight to the tv when we ask if wants to watch word party. Me and my husband know every word to every song, if we sing them ever thru out the day she gets so excited and will clap and bounce along to us singing. There is not much to buy out there. My grandmother watched her and does not have Netflix. We would love to buy the dad's. We are doing her first birthday theme as Word Party...I have managed to figure out enough stuff to do so. I need this show to be more known cause my baby loves it and hard to find this stuff. Amazon is the only place that has a few things to buy...but not much! This show is captivating for little ones....brilliant how they have mostly white walls and floors and all the rest is extremely colorful and makes it really stand out. When the baby animals are singing or dancing my baby will not look away. She loves it!
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