Kevin Smith: Silent But Deadly (2018 TV Special)
Not Smith's Best But Fans Will Enjoy
28 September 2018
Kevin Smith: Silent But Deadly (2018)

*** (out of 4)

If you're a fan of Kevin Smith then I'm sure you know about the heart attack he suffered after one of his shows. This concert film is that show that led up to the heart attack and before we get to "the show" we get an introduction by Smith explaining what we're about to watch. He then returns after the show to speak a little more.

This concert special runs just under a hour and I'd argue that it really isn't among Smith's best work but it does have a curio factor since it was almost his last show. At the very least you can say there are enough funny stories told here than fans will want to check it out but if you're new to Smith's comedy shows then it's best to start somewhere else.

As I said, there are some funny stories scattered throughout the show but one of the highlights has Smith talking about him letting his daughter take the car out thinking she was a good driver. Another funny story involves a very large and very expensive television that was put in his bedroom. Of course, being this is Kevin Smith, there are plenty of other sex jokes as well as mistaken text jokes.

KEVIN SMITH: SILENT BUT DEADLY is good for what it is but there's no question that coming in under a hour, it's really missing a lot of what makes Smith's shows so good but at the same time it's also good enough for fans to watch.
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