Destruction of Eve.
29 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Nearing the end of ICM's poll for the best movies of 1991,I mentioned to family friend Guy Morgan about how much I had enjoyed the Action trash epics Stone Cold and Timebomb(1991-both also reviewed.) Knowing how much I had enjoyed those two, Guy mentioned a third Action flick from the year,which led to me meeting Eve.

View on the film:

Storming in the same year as T2 (1991-also reviewed), the screenplay by co-writer/(with Yale Udoff) director Duncan Gibbins (who died just age 41 in '93 after trying to rescue his cat from a house fire) put the movie in the rather unique position of clearly being inspired by The Terminator (1984-also reviewed), whilst being ahead of the times with a standout chip of the government project giving the cyborgs human memories,and beating Terminator 3, by Eve,being in all but name a female terminator.

Linking the memories of Eve Simmons / Eve terminator, the writers nicely dip into the psychotronic as Eve goes round killing those who hurt Simmons in her repressed memories.

Putting a ticking time bomb in Eve, (her time of the month?) the writers upload exciting set-pieces of hard-nosed cop/Colonel Jim McQuade having to take Eve on in her fight to terminate all who scorned her, and having to drag the memories out of Simmons so Eve's next move can be predicted.

The second of three movies he made, director Gibbins & cinematographer Alan Hume unbuckle wonderfully hectic Action thrills, booming from every punch Eve hands out breaking the victim in half,and sending them back against the wall. Along with the action crunch, Gibbins eyes Eve up with stylish tracking shots following each would-be victim attempting to slyly escape from Eve.

Going in search of Eve with Gregory Hines turn as the cool cat, no nonsense McQuade, alluring Renée Soutendijk gives a wonderful double turn as Simmons / Eve, with Soutendijk presenting Simmons as fragile and on-edge over her memory, neatly counted by the cold eyed killer cyborg in an eve of destruction.
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