A New Leaf (1971)
we have had to suffer much dross to get to this point.
2 October 2018
It seems a bit odd to me now that I even bought and watched this, but it was on a reliable Blu-ray label and I had fond memories of Walter Matthau in the excellent, Charley Varrick. I also vaguely remembered Elaine May, knew that many loved the film and assumed it would be funny. Unfortunately not very funny for me. There are amusing scenes but the awkwardness of both the leads (clearly charming to some) grates with me and makes it difficult for me to be amused. George Rose excels as the butler/valet and there is a grotesquely amusing scene with James Coco. The final scenes are remarkably well shot and really quite touching but we have had to suffer much dross to get to this point.
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