Loved this movie! One of my favorites in the Halloween series
6 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this movie since I was kid and as I got older, I understand the hate. Jamie being impregnated by her uncle. The weird Satanic cult. The unnecessary cliche sex scene. Paul Rudd's weird voice. The crazy edits and being able to survive and still walk from falling out of a house. This movie was a hot mess but the edgier score played over the bad edits gave me life and I loved Paul Rudd's facial expressions especially when facing Michael. He was all of us the hallway scene. Of course, Donald Pleasence in his last role as Dr. Loomis was always refreshing and gave a sense of legitimacy to this franchise being in five Halloween movies. It's quite obvious he enjoyed giving his Shakespearean presence to this franchise for seventeen years. He was ill during the filming of this movie and died the year it was released. I loved Paul Rudd. This was his first starring role, but I'm confused because the first time I saw him on screen was in Clueless which also came out the same year. Yet, he looks the same in Knocked up, Ant Man, etc... The man doesn't age but he's a great actor and he was fun to watch playing Tommy, the kid Laurie babysat in the original Halloween. I have nothing to say negative about this crazy, ridiculously fun movie with a great score bringing a new life to the series and a dash of classic Michael Myers' horror. The movie went through production hell: delayed production for years due to poor audience reception of Halloween 5; legal issues; lowballing and insulting Danielle Harris out of reprising her role as Jamie; studio changes; poor audience reception then having to rush in post production to re-edit the movie, the death of Donald Pleasence, weather issues, and so on. So yes, it's obvious it's been heavily edited but it's the best they could under the circumstances. So I enjoyed the final product and the conclusion to the Jamie Lloyd trilogy of the Halloween franchise.
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