Passable Korean war movie with Robert Mitchum as a Colonel and Ann Blyth as an idealistic young UN official
18 October 2018
The picture features a Colonel , Robert Mitchum as Col. Steve Janowski , who is stationed in Seoul , he is a military adviser training the South Korean army . Things go wrong when North Korean troops invade the South. Janowski is assigned a dangerous misision along with other officers and soldiers, a motley and important support cast : Charles McGraw , William Talman , Charles McGraw, Richard Egan , Eduard Franz , in charge of evacuating civilians which means persuading United Nations official Ann Blyth that she has to go too . But then Janowski ends up bombing South Korean refugees .Love That Lived with Danger! Back of every man of action ... there's a woman made for love .

Korean war action film divides its time between an army romance : Robert Mitchum/Ann Blyth and war action . This is an allegedly true story in which various military served as technical advisors as Army Capt. Edward R. Harrison ,Lt. Col. S. Paul Latiolais , and Dr. Henry De Young , a former Korean Minister to Gen. Douglas MacArthur's headquarters, , and in fact , it used 175 Korean War veterans as extras . Howard Hughes' RKO didn't waste much time in getting neither a great film , nor a notable drama on screen , being a medium budget movie , but an acceptable flick . Stock footage was used to fill in the background and is far more striking than anything the writers could up with . Besides , the blend of battle scenes and romance never amounts too much . Pure sentimental slop , it is a stirring and sometimes moving tale , accompanying some spectacular aerial scenes and impressive bombing behind enemy lines . As for the aerial scenes were used Mustang fighter planes from Buckley Field in Denver and F-80 jets . The lukewarm melodrama features Robert Mitchum as a tough Colonel who quickly achieves the confidence of the other soldiers around him, at the same time he sings a Japanese song . Ann Blyth delivers a decent acting as the beautiful officer and widow who finds out about the horrors of war when she falls in love .

Produced at a cost of millions to bring you a million thrills by the powerful producer Edmund Grainger .Being professionally directed by Tay Garnett , though including flaws as well as gaps , and extremely sentimental . Tay was a good Hollywood craftsman . Tay entered films in 1920 as a screenwriter . After a stint as a gag writer for Mack Sennett and Hal Roach he joined Pathe, then the distributor for both competing comedy producers, and in 1928 began directing for that company . Garnett garnered some attention in the early 1930s with such films as Bad company (1931) and Way Passage (1932) , but his best work came in the mid-'30s and early 1940s with such films as S.O.S. Iceberg (1933) , China seas (1935), Slave Ship (1937) and Trade Winds (1938) . His best known film would have to the John Garfield/Lana Turner vehicle : The postman always rings twice (1946), although his version of A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1949) was a well-deserved critical and commercial success as well . Other successes were the followings : Bataan (1943) , The cross of Lorraine (1943) , Soldiers Three (151) , The Black Knight (1953) , Stand-in , Mrs Parkington , Cause for alarm , The big push , Seven sinners , Slighly honorable , Main Street to Broadway , Cheers for Miss Bishop, Eternally yours , among others . One Minute to Zero (1952)results to be a treat for Robert Mitchum and Ann Blyth fans . Rating : 5.5/10
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