Romeo & Juliet (II) (2013)
I always hope creative license will make a change at the
26 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is Bill's work. Not William's. It's tweaked to be understood. Not that I didn't "understand" what was suppose to be happening in the play. When I was in high school we read Romeo and Juliet. I like the story, but the language is above most people. The teacher would ask what you thought this line meant and that line meant. I would always think, why do I have to figure out what they're talking about in every line, can't I just get the gist? Or why does the teacher think he knows what Shakespeare was thinking when he said whatever line (since nobody really knows what anybody is really thinking). Maybe "Wherefore art thou Romeo?" really does mean "Where is Romeo?". Was he there? Did he help Shakespeare write it??? All these years of listening to people say what other people mean has left me with an appreciation for artist license. If you revamp a story, I'll appreciate it the way you mean it and I'll either like it or I wont.

They didn't keep completely to the language of the script, but they kept the faves like the lines to the balcony scene, since even if you're not a fan of Shakespeare you've probably heard it/know it. Anyway, I give it a 7 because I'm not a complete fangirl who hates even one line being altered.

My only wish is for somebody to say, "Ya know. I think Romeo and Juliet would find away to be together and not be stupid enough to keep themselves." If I was in love with Romeo and my father said to me that he would disown me and throw me out, I'd say ok and leave. They want to be together. If they had just run off this would have never happened. There's ways to keep people from following you. Verona don't take up all the So I would love for one of these writers to make Romeo and Juliet just a bit smarter in their love...since they're gonna change it in a lot of minor ways
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