Jet Storm (1959)
More routine than you'd expect
31 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
JET STORM is a potentially exciting plane-based thriller that turns out to be more than a little routine due to the script, which presents the situation as a morality play rather than a full-blooded suspense flick. Richard Attenborough is well cast as the villain of the piece, as anyone who's seen him play "dark" in the likes of BRIGHTON ROCK and 10 RILLINGTON PLACE will attest, but surprisingly he's off screen for the most part here, his presence merely the catalyst for dissent among the other passengers. That this remains watchable at all is no doubt thanks to a fine ensemble cast that includes the hefty Patrick Allen alongside Stanley Baker as the captain, as well as smaller parts for the familiar faces of Elizabeth Sellars, Marty Wilde, Harry Secombe and many others.
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