31 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The English title is "Mythica- The Darkspore", which isn't so much of a spore as it is a gem/rock. I didn't see the first film which introduced the characters (I did read a synopsis). There are numerous flashbacks. Marek (Melanie Stone) is the main character. She is an escaped club foot? slave who lead a group of adventures in the first film in an unsuccessful quest to save Caeryn (Natalie Devine) pronounced Karen. Caeyrn's sister Teela (Nicola Posener) is still a little peeved. She is the one with the red anime hair and painted on eyebrows.

There is a stone that gives power and was divided to the four corners of the earth. Szorlok (Matthew Mercer) wants the stone for his own evil intentions and uses the newly discovered necromancer powers of Marek in an attempt to gain the stone. The stone is in a lost city of the giants who were supposed to have hordes of gold. The party goes on a duel quest for treasure and a rock. The party includes Daegan (Jake Stormoen) who is half elf, half human. He is lustful and says off colored things. He also loves his gold. Hammerhead (Christopher Robin Miller) is a mountain of a man. The final character in the quest is Qole (Rocky Myers) a cursed elf they meet along the way. There is dragon too.

There is also a subplot involving the selling of ownership of Marek which must carried over from the first film.

I liked the cinematography. Soundtrack was so-so. The characters were a bit dry and needed to level up on charisma. The film had some cute lines like: "If I get eaten by a pixie... Just tell them it was a dragon or something." The theme is: "Evil runs in the blood of all men." or "Trust the Goddess." This is a $200 million dollar film made on a small budget and funded by "Kickstarter." It was a fun film, just don't expect Peter Jackson.

Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity. A woman drops her robe to show off her naked body, but is camera shy.
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