Low-budget fantasy, tolerable but derivative
6 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
We are in mediaeval sword-and-sorcery territory. Crippled slave girl-cum-trainee magician joins young priestess in search of her kidnapped sister, in the company of disgraced but honorable muscleman palace guard, and womanising rogue and petty thief.

This low budget fantasy fim, crowdfunded, features a lot of nobodies and a cameo from Kevin Sorbo. The thing is, it's not bad. The nobodies perform well without overacting. The story is adequate. The script does well without shining. And visually?

Well, the CGI always looks like CGI, but the designs and animation are fine, they're just not integrated into backgrounds that well. But costumes, sets, locations and production design generally are all very good, and far better than you would expect from low-budget.

Having said that, you will see a lot of visuals which will be very familiar from the Lord Of The Rings movies.

This was £7 for a series of 5 DVD films and, on the basis of this first one, good value.
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