Review of Rampage

Rampage (2018)
Rampage: Marginally better than I expected
10 November 2018
Based on the 1986 video game of the same name Rampage is the mindless cgi filled take your brain out movie you'd expect, but has a bit of charm to it (Bit).

I played Rampage as a kid, it was one of those fantastic games that got sequels but nothing that followed ever came close to meeting its quality. But it had no story, it was devoid of plot! So how could you possibly make a movie based on it over 30yrs later?

Well they did and the story is thinner than Kate Moss's waistline. It tells the story of everyones favourite wrestler turner actor the Rock chasing after the genetically modified gorilla he saved years before. Cue cgi, chaos, monsters, falling buildings, explosions and all the usual tropes.

With all three original monster George, Ralph and Lizzie (Though nobody acknowledges Lizzie's name) it's about as loyal as it can physically be considering the lack of material to actually work with.

I still can't get my head around why they would make it? Whats next? Tetris? Lemmings? Worms? Roland on the Ropes?

It's big, it's shiney, it's overbudget and it's as dumb as they come. Generally I despise films like this and consider them to be a problem within the industry but credit where credit is due Rampage does have some redeeming qualities.

Some of the humour is on point, it's heart is in the right place and Jeffrey Dean Morgan steals the entire film.

Passable stuff if you can get past the sheer unadulterated stupidity of it all.

The Good:

Jeffrey Dean Morgan

A few nods to the video game

The Bad:

Dumb beyond belief

Simply shouldn't really exist

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Jeffrey Dean Morgans face should be in the dictionary next to awesome, amazing and godlike.

Forgetting Lizzie's name is just lame

Genetic engineering turns wolves into porcupines and squirrel monkeys

I suddenly want to play the original game!
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