Dang Good. Dang Dang Good.
30 November 2018
It's a comedy, a tragedy, with a small touch of romance, and thank goodness it's not a try-hard film that tries to go too far. The producers knew their audience, and knew them well. Clearly a low-budget film designed to tell a simple story in 90 minutes. Well done.

Dax Shepard played the best dumb cop I've ever seen for this type of R-rated content...he isn't an "idiot," nor is he a Barney-Five. He's just a normal dude, trying to do the right thing, that stumbles, and it's funny because it feels actually realistic, as in, police departments probably do have this type of guy.

It was fun to see Kurtwood Smith, for all you "That's 70's Show" fans. He's the tough Sheriff that, too, is trying to do the right thing, but, dag nab it, just is struggling to have a competent force in a small town...and it's funny, because again, you can sense that this type of incompetence exists out there.

Then you have Vincent D'Onofrio, known best for "Full Metal Jacket," and he comes out perfect in this film as just a low-life cop, whose only pleasure in life remaining is to watch other people become more miserable than him. He is pivotal in to the story and again, the writers kept him simple, nothing overdone, and he plays his role BELIEVABLY. Man, I always appreciate good writing. Kudos to Melfi and Wehner for not playing to any political crowd, but just creating dang good art.

Lastly, among the key dudes to the story, you have Tim Allen and Luke Grimes. It's a good pair. It was quite strange to see Allen in this type of role, but he gave it his all...sometimes out of place, but believable, still. Luke...yea, he was good. Real good. Very well casted.

Some of the best comedy came out of Jimmy Yang ("Silicon Valley") and Jessica Alba...they were the perfect pair for the comedic relief you needed at times. I'm excited to see what Jimmy Yang will be pulling off in the future, he's dang good and landing hilarious comedic lines. They never feel forced. In the movie, they play as the rookie reporters...and playing into that role hilariously.

The side story of single mother and potentially autistic son added to the tension, and even romance, which kept things interesting. And seeing good old Emilio Rivera ("Sons of Anarchy") playing the tough but cool and collected guy was fantastic.

Can we not appreciate simple, low-budget, great acted films anymore? Indy films are like this, and they are some of the greats. There was scarcely any CGI, heavy explosions, etc...this move REQUIRED on-point acting, and I was extremely impressed. Not your typical Christmas film, yet I'll be recommending this each year for people looking for something to enjoy, something that's different from the norm.
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