600 Miles (2015)
The Return of Tim Roth - 600 Millas (miles)
11 January 2019
This film is very good. It is original; that alone puts it in the top 20% of films for any given year. It is violent; but the nature of the story is violent. Mr. Ripstein is a very talented writer, and a pretty good director as well. This film came out of nowhere, and is easily the best Mexican film since Robinson Crusoe (which was made in the 1950s). The movie presents good guys and bad guys in real life situations. Bad guys sell guns, bad guys buy guns. The ATF seems to have an impossible job; even more impossible than border guards between Mexico and the US. The Wall aside, it would make no difference at all if there was a wall or not. Americans with Mexican contacts will still buy lots of guns, and Mexicans will take the chance to deliver them to Mexico because there is a lot of money to be made bringing them into the country. Simple economics. There are criminals on both sides of the border; only in the US, the criminals are white collar owners of gun companies. The stores and clerks are just trying to make a living. The gun show promoters are just trying to make a living. The people who sell at the gun shows are just trying to make a living. And the criminals in Mexico are just trying to make a living. Even Roth's character is just trying to make a living. What are we missing here? Oh guns. Let me see, if there were no guns, all of these people would be out of a job. So I guess guns are good for the American and Mexican economies, or else they would be illegal. No? That's not it? There is the second amendment (in case those British, like Roth, try to invade us again), hunting (got to kill for meat on the table in 2020?) target practice (cant play video games?; much cheaper) and protection (from other people who have guns etc, etc.). A well-made small independent film that luckily avoided Hollywood kaka. Go Roth, and great supporting cast, especially Arnulfo and Carson.
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