Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride (2006)
Season 3, Episode 0
Runaway Success
14 January 2019
Christmas Special introducing Donna Noble for a one off adventure before she returned as the regular companion for the Doctor in Series 4.

Stroppy bride Donna is mysteriously transported from her wedding to the TARDIS and the Doctor finds that she is linked inadvertently to an alien plot. The Doctor and Donna end up facing the Racnoss and trying to stop them destroying the world.

Donna worried me as I felt comedian Catherine Tate would be too broad and caricatured in her portrayal to suit the show but I was wrong. Tate is funny and whilst being comedic and 'larger than life' in some ways it works brilliantly because she is so skilled in making it real enough and showing more depth beneath the brash exterior. Her chemistry with Tennant's Doctor is superb and this leads to Donna becoming one of my favourite companions when she returns for a full time role later. In this special episode Donna is great fun and provides a lot of laughs as well as some good drama.

The story itself is fun and has some exciting action including a great chase involving the TARDIS as well as a very dramatic conclusion. It may have a few minor flaws and less impressive aspects but nothing drastic and the script and performances lift it to higher standards. Overall it is an excellent entertaining adventure. 9/10.
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