Review of Noises Off...

Noises Off... (1992)
Play Doesn't Easily Translate Into A Movie
20 January 2019
21 March 2009. The movie version of the play can't even come close replicating the complex and risky physical comedy that live theater, if done well, explodes into a dazzling sheer hilarious and spectacular presentation in real time. A lot depends on exact timing and the audience knows it. The first and third acts in both the film and live theater productions are fairly similar and the tone of the comedy is approximate. Unfortunately, the movie version's second act, behind the scenes where the movie version breaks down and the liquor bottle comic antics are completely lost. It's hard to keep up with what's going on and the duplicity of the relationships in the movie version. Overall, the movie holds its own in the first act, loses a lot in the second, and is adequately, if not sharp and snappy in its delivery in the second. The movie has a number of great moments mostly due to the playwright's script. The movie is funny, but it just can't hold a plate to a Broadway production of the play. **Since the movie's release, it is with sadness that Christopher Reeves and John Ritter have since past away which in a way deflates the movie, until their performances and the rest of the cast is able to their credit transport us into the past and their live behavior on the screen.** 6/10.

More than 20 years later, Noises Off ages well as the memory of the brilliant stage performance fades in comparison. While not spectacular as a movie production, the movie seems to be more funny and more entertaining than originally seen, especially the second act. So while Noises Off might not come across as great, it has become a nice testament of comedy for the late Christopher Reeve, late John Ritter, and the late Denholm Elliot which Noises Off was to be his final movie. Definitely worth renting for the experience. Reviewed 4/3/2021. 7/10.
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