In Search of... (1977–1982)
Searching for Mysteries
28 January 2019
This is another one of my favorite unexplained phenomena shows of all time. This was a show I saw during my adolescence mainly reruns on the History Channel (when it was good) it really was a pleasant surprise as I was into unexplained phenomena ever since I was nine.

It's true that the show is pretty vintage but to me that just added to its appeal, because watching the show is even more interesting as you can compare notes of both early and present day findings. But also, in a historical sense get an idea of what viewpoints on the subject matter were back then, you have to realize this show was in the 70's which was a time when the unexplained phenomena genre really began to boom.

But I really love the presentation of the show, the theme song is good if not one of my favorites but fits the show as it has a bit of a strange tune to it. But I really like some of the music in episodes which fit whatever subject their exploring, some of the music can be a little eerie. Really like the use of present-day footage, reenactments, other images which are of course the visual aids in the matter. Including interviews with most people whom also help in the insight of the matter and help in adding to the theories and findings in the mystery.

However, what really helps power it is the host himself Lenard Nimoy. I'll admit I was surprised that Spock from "Star Trek" did a documentary show. But his voice just fits like a glove, I really love his serious monotone as it's very mater of fact and has an investigative tone to it; he really treats the subject matter with seriousness which respects not just the people investigating these mysteries but the audience also.

Each of the mysteries are always different, I remember each time this program came on I would always wonder with eagerness which mystery is going to be next. Some of the mysteries are unexplained phenomena like UFO, Cryptids; but others were historical, cultural, scientific and even archeological. That aspect I love because it gave the show variety to keep things fresh and interesting and gave it educational value showing and teaching me a little on all four subject matters.

Whether you believe any of this or not, that's up to you to decide, but all the same you've got to wonder. But remember the universe and the world within it are big and vast, full of endless mysteries everyday waiting to be explored.

Rating: 4 stars
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