If you don't count "Spartacus," History's two most famous Real Life . . .
31 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
. . . slave revolt leaders are "Nat Turner" and "Henri Christophe." Though both of these uprisings took place in backward enclaves near the American East Coast, only one of these men inspired blockbuster film funding from Hollywood's Billionaires' Boys Club in recent years. The "pitch" for one of these rebellion instigators was that he led a few dozen local slaves on a homicide spree before being reduced to axle grease. HAITI: LAND OF DARK MAJESTY presents the case for the Other Dude. This guy lived through the Birth of a Nation, serving as his country's initial President, before becoming its first King. As the DARK MAJESTY narrator tells his tale, this guy was a more whimsical leader than even "Idi Amin," marching an entire regiment of his crack palace guard off a high cliff to demonstrate his Army's intense loyalty to the Crown for a foreign diplomat, as well as building a mountain-top fortress by out-engineering the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Builders. Then, when his poll numbers started to fade, he shot himself dead with a golden bullet, and had his wife slime him in quick lime. He hid his nation's Treasury--750 tons of sterling silver--so well that it's never been found to this day. One of these slave uprising stories is a Sure-Fire Hit; the other a recipe for a Certain Flop. Where do YOU think Hollywood's "Smart Money" went?
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