Pie in the Sky (1994–1997)
Just my cuppa tea
4 February 2019
Nice blend of cops and robbers and cookery, great cast and varied characters each fleshed out individually. A good chemistry between the two leading players, and the others dovetail together well. Stories are light but well drawn fitting neatly into an ideal time slot for me. I found it easy to slip into getting involved with the character dynamics.

I even found a good cookery tip regarding the perfect shepherd's pie, put a layer of mash on the bottom of the casserole dish, to soak up the meat juices.

Cooking programs are an anathema to me, but I found it very easy to be interested when it was an integral part of the plot.

Photography its wrongly said doesn't lie, well to say least it fibs, food photography is a case in point. A good photo of a meal can have us salivating, but you wouldn't want to eat the food, as it would prove totally indigestible. The tricks of the trade of the food photographer, are fairly ingenious.

Why is this lengthy aside relavent? Because this program is replete with my kind of grub, especially the chefs signature dish steak and kidney pie. I am really a pie a'holic, a crucial element being the pastry, this can make or break a great pie. I get great pleasure over the food its ingredients, preparation, and presentation. Something I can never say about any food program I'm never likely to watch.

But back to my point about food photography, the way it appears on the box makes it enticing. But would you actually be able to eat that food? Is it even real food?
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