Doctor Who: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (2012)
Season 7, Episode 2
Does what it says on the tin.
6 February 2019
The title of this episode sounds rather silly and the story itself is indeed rather silly in many ways but it is preferable for me compared to some of the big epics of this era because the plot is nicely simple so it isn't overstretched.

This episode contains a contrivance in that it has Egyptian Queen Nefertiti and an early Twentieth Century big game hunter John Riddell inexplicably joining the Doctor on the adventure for sheer effect. It also contrives circumstances in order to explain having dinosaurs on a spaceship. However, there is nothing particularly problematic and the plot basically makes sense in the world of Doctor Who. While a bit silly it is also pretty fun and has some good humour.

Amy, Rory and Rory's father Brian are also with the Doctor and Brian (Mark Williams), who has been inadvertently brought along, is both engaging and funny. He is a really great character who adds enjoyment and depth. Rory (Arthur Darvill) is always great and his interaction and banter with his father brings a new dimension.

The wonderful David Bradley appears here as the villainous Solomon. Bradley would later play the First Doctor, replacing the long since departed William Hartnell in TV Specials Twice Upon a Time and The Power of the Doctor as well as in a series of audio adventures. He also played Hartnell in An Adventure in Space and Time prior to that. He is a great actor and adds real quality as the bad guy in this episode. Robots played by comedians Mitchell and Webb are amusing, if a bit daft, and the dinosaurs themselves are very well done visually. The whole episode looks good.

This is not a great episode, it is more of a comedic filler but future Showrunner Chris Chibnall has written a quite enjoyable little story and the cast and production give it quality.

My Rating: 6.5/10.
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