A decent time-passer.
19 February 2019
"This Woman is Mine" is a decent film, though not without a few problems. The biggest of which for me was John Carroll with his incredibly broad and overdone French-Canadian accent. Pepe le Pew and the Frito Bandito are about equally decent representations of foreigners! Additionally, a few of the characters seemed a bit hard to believe...the incredibly rigid Captain (Walter Brennan) and the woman from the title, for examples.

The film begins on shore. A playboy type, Ovide de Montigny (Carroll), convinces Julie (Carol Bruce) that he loves her...and she soon stows away aboard the vessel that he's signed on for a voyage of the Pacific Northwest. The Captain is NOT amused but here's a part of the film that seemed annoying...he blamed Robert (Franchot Tone) even though this was illogical and everyone insisted Robert was not to blame. The Captain was pretty much like this through the whole picture--irrational and quick to ignore everyone when it comes to his many premature conclusions. How is Robert to manage to survive this voyage with a nutty Captain, a woman and her jerk boyfriend??

The film has a lot of nice scenery and the story is modestly enjoyable. Not much more I feel like saying about this one.
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