Truckers Unite!!
20 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A pretty nifty little murder mystery with Richard Dix making his last appearance in the series before his untimely death. Dix indictated in an interview that he was never happy in the series, he felt the characters were misfits and oddballs but I think a lot of his best work was found in the Whistler series. Dix plays a truck driver who breaks the truck driver's number one rule and picks up a hitchhiker - things go from bad to worse
  • he is involved in a horrific crash, his passenger disappears and when he
appeals to the motorcycle cop (Regis Toomey), the cop claims he never saw the joyriders who were careening all over the road. Reynolds misses out on a jail sentence but loses his trucking license for six months.

Within 65 minutes a lot of improbable situations arise - of course, comes a night when all operators are out, a driver calls in sick and Reynolds finds himself driving through the byways and praying he can avoid the police. His truck is hijacked by a masked man and while Reynolds is knocked out the hijacker savagely runs down Toomey. It doesn't look good for Dix as the cop had a well known grudge against him for stealing his girl Eileen. With Reynolds on the run from a murder charge - the scene shifts to Eileen's Diner and Karen Morley (almost at the end of her career due to the HUAAC) is great as the practical Eileen. Reynolds has traced the trouble back to a rival trucking company who will stop at nothing to get his trucks off the road. Meanwhile back at the diner, Eileen thinks there's something amiss with her new waitress - she listens at keyholes, makes random telephone calls etc.

From starting out as a trucker's war it now turns to diamond smugglers - and a mystery murderer who shows no fear or favour about taking out the mobsters also!! Recommended
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