Little Italy (2018)
My boyfriend described it as "the Olive Garden commercial of romcoms"
20 February 2019
Here's the thing. By all standards this movie is terrible and you shouldn't watch it. When my boyfriend found out this was supposed to take place in Toronto's Little Italy, which is absolutely nothing like what is depicted in this movie and definitely does not have a ferris wheel, we knew this would be exactly the kind of hot garbage we like to hate-watch together. And hate-watch it we did.

I would guess that the writers had done no research beyond reading about Italian people on Wikipedia. The characters eat nothing but pizza the entire movie. They drink nothing but espresso the entire movie. They drop everything for impromptu soccer matches, grow basil on their roofs, and have cans of tomatoes literally everywhere. At one point somebody says "You can take the girl out of Little Italy, but you can't take Little Italy out of the girl," and that's both the best and worst line in the entire movie.

This is one of those films that's hard to review. I give it 5 stars not because of its quality, but because it's interesting and it provided entertainment. I loved making fun of this movie. Sometimes I can't sleep without white noise, and the last few nights my white noise of choice was this movie, and I had the most peaceful rest ever. I've felt compelled to rewatch it simply because it exists in an uncanny valley that is neither so-bad-its-good nor so-good-its-good. I give it five stars because that's what it deserves.
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