Kim Possible (2019 TV Movie)
Horrible Movie and Not for Obvious Reasons
21 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was a HUGE fan of Kim Possible as a kid. I loved the show so much and was excited they were making a live action movie. Now I expected when I heard it was a DCOM that the acting would be bad for the most part and that the special effects would be poor (it's not a high budget movie). These aren't even my issues with the film.

1) Is this movie canon? So the movie takes place right before Kim enters high school and then follows her first days at school with Ron. In the TV show, the pilot begins with her already at high school. So technically it seems to take place before the series begins (a prequel) but that doesn't make sense because she befriends an evil robot who then joins her and Ron's crime fighting team and of course this character was NEVER in the series. So this movie does not fit into the existing timeline. It is not compatible with the series.

2) The other annoying thing is the movie is clearly supposed to take place now in 2019 rather than 2002-2007 when the series was created/existed. If this was a prequel, then characters should exist in a pre-Instagram, pre- internet memes, pre-smartphone world. The obnoxious references to these modern things is awful. One of my favorite things from the original series was Kim's communicator. It was a time before everyone had smartphones and it was basically a special smartphone. They felt the need to replace it with this weird projector Kim wears on her neck. WHY?!?

3) Kim's character is wrong. The Kim in the original series is clearly a very cool girl but she solves crime and happily hangs with a nerd to the frustration of Bonnie and the other cool cheerleaders. I loved that Kim was always super confident when it came to her academic, cheerleading, and crime-fighting abilities (just not with her ability to interact with boys). She was like a cool superhero yet a relatable teen who struggled with dating. In this movie she is CONSTANTLY doubting herself and crying. I just wanted to watch her kick-butt and exude her usual confidence in cheerleading and crime fighting. In this movie Kim is no longer the head cheerleader. In fact nobody cheerleads. They do soccer??? Why???? Kim being a part of the cheerleading squad was an important part of the show. It showed that Kim was cool yet different and her crimefighting skills made her a great cheerleader.

4) The addition of the new character is just awful. Adds nothing to the world of Kim Possible. Instead of wasting time with a new best friend character why wouldn't they portray Kim and Ron's will they won't they story?? It was an integral part of the show.

5) The ending makes no sense whatsoever. Once it is revealed the "best friend" was actually created as an evil robot and was evil the whole time, why would Kim say she was still her friend and still had some good in her? The robot never had any good in her. She was evil the moment she was introduced and if she is a robot then she should have no feelings unless she's supposed to be like Jenny from "My Life as a Teenage Robot". The fact Kim would consider risking her real best friend's life and her family's to save an evil robot is laughable.

5) Rufus was bought at a pet store. Not stolen from a lab.

There were so many ways to go with the plot of this story and they just completely failed. It could have been a prequel about her life before high school. It could have been a new story with Draken that takes place in the middle of the series that we've never seen before (but takes place in 2002-2007 not 2019). It could have even been about their lives after high school in college.

I also was disappointed how young the actress playing Kim looked. I know everyone in Kim Possible is supposed to be in high school, but the reality is the characters were all drawn/acted like people in their 20s. Kim was always a very adult looking teenager and this girl could have easily played a 6th grader.
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