Eight Witnesses (1954 TV Movie)
Good Opening Sequence, Then Down To Work
27 February 2019
Charles Jacquemar has just gotten over the border from the East with some scientific papers that western intelligence wants to see. First he goes to see his daughter, Peggy Ann Garner. He thinks he is being pursued, and takes refuge in a reading room, where it turns out he is right; he is knifed in front of eight people.... all of whom are blind. When intelligence officer Dennis Price gets there, all that can be determined is the killer was a man who smoked cigars. The papers have disappeared. Can the good guys find them before the bad guys do?

The copy of this movie shot in Bavaria for television was a poor one, so any details of the camerawork were washed out, but the beginning was a good one, run largely silent, with palpable fear on Jacquemar's face. The story, doesn't have much call for elaboration beyond the beginning and the climax scene. The direction by Lawrence Huntington is not particularly interesting, but it gets the job done so efficiently that a three-minute epilogue had to be added to bring the run time up to an even hour.
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