An old dog teaches a new dog lots of old tricks.
1 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Veteran actor Victor McLaglen who goes back to the silent era commands the attention in this typically violent mid-1950's crime drama where he shows foster son John Baer how things were done in the old days while trying to reform his protection racket business as Baer strives to turn his life around and need a respectable life. Things become complicated when Baer becomes involved with Kathleen Crowley, the sister of his college pal Nicolas Coster and daughter of an influential judge. An accidental murder by cohorts of McLauglen's who don't want him to legitimize his business leads to all out war and a dandy shootout finale on a ski lift.

Veteran Oscar winner McLaglen is the main reason to tune in to this interesting crime drama that features mainly newcomers including future soap star and veteran character actor Nicolas Coster. Baer mixes the toughness of his street upbringing and the education that he has received to give an interesting performance that did not leave him into becoming a star. there are some moments that the plot line becomes a bit convoluted, but the script quickly gains back its momentum and keeps the audience glued through the almost comical shootout at the end that turns the ski lift into a snowy shooting gallery. It doesn't fail in its attempts to entertain, but it's one of dozens that is easy to forget even though it's not really forgettable.
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