2 March 2019
I almost feel guilty reviewing this film, since presumably someone involved with it probably really cared about the project, but oh my god is it bad. Usually a period drama like this is reliably solid - the worst it can be is stodgy and a bit dull; but this one was a screaming dumpster fire from its bodice-ripping opening credits. It should, however, get an award for most criminal waste of Vanessa Redgrave. Joelly Richardson is also an excellent actress, and one can only imagine the two must have been rolling their eyes at each other on the set over the god-awful, scenery-chewing performance of Jonathan Rhys Meyers. It's Razzie-worthy, actually - maybe he'll get a nomination. And what the hell was going on with that accent? It was supposed to be American, but was so over-the-top nasally and shouty it was like his lines were being read by an air horn. Good god man, get a dialect coach. In short, this movie is unwatchable.
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