Staying away from Beefeaters forever
16 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Jean-Marc Vallee's film is a study of of love at different stages and conditions of life. It explores the complications and havoc which disability, drugs, violence, jealousy and plain old human instinct play in a process which is equally perplexing whichever side of La Manche or L'Atlantique you live on.

We see the changes in love between professional DJ Antoine (Kevin Parent), his wife Carole (Helene Florent) and what his daughter calls his 'Bimbo' (which is rather discouteous both en francais et en Anglais) Rose (Evelyne Brochu)

Excusez moi, if I slip between languages, while reviewing this film - I am thinking of Isadora Duncan while the young Downs Syndrome boy Laurent (Marin Gerrier) - whose days are numbered - cries "Au Ciel" as he is pushed back and forth on a swing by his mother (Vanessa Paradis) who loves him more than any boy-child could reasonably hope for.

As if we did,t need it, les deux amours Antoine et Carole sont enacted par la fils actuelle (Émile Vallée) et (Chanel Fontaine).

I'm noticing that 'love' and 'slave' are only two letters apart en Anglais and that 'amour' and 'armour' are only un seule un personnage different entre Francais et Anglais.

Anyway, I could go on all day, and often do. Voir ce film et decider toi-meme ? Je suis en bateaux au midi de La Manche en pecher. Je ne comprends rien !

Au revoir.
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