You might be a zombie by the end of this film given the witless content
16 March 2019
Navy Seals vs. Zombies had the potential to be a cheap and cheerful 28 Days Later/Dawn of the Dead mashup, but the awfulness of the farrago makes it a lifeless (ha!) affair. Overall, the film lacks pacing (partly to do with interminable scenes of people shaking their heads at various events or just staring at each other), but there are a number of amusing street scenes in which the 'zombies' run about in hilariously random directions, which is worth seeing. Of the zombies - they are very inconsistent, with some being veritable herculoids in possession of super speed and strengh, while others shamble about in a shambling fashion (but still seem to overpower apparently the best-of-the best-of Navy Sealdom with consumate ease). Also, some of the zombies pretty much look like slightly infected humanoids, while others have skull-like visages and red eyes - again, no consistency! So all in all, a shoddy affair, and no mistake.
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