Didn't know they had psychedelic drugs back in 1930's
19 March 2019
... but the script writers, actors, directors and so forth were high on something when they made this movie. The actors/actresses look and act like every rejected job seeker hanging around Hollywood as an extra from 1931 to 1933 and were called up to do one movie. You think of the beautiful leading ladies back then but the women in this movie must have cost $1.00 a day. The men are not much better.

It's hard to watch all the way through but I did. The musical numbers are God awful. No they are worse than that.

RKO is my favorite pre-war movie studio by far but, wow, did they lay an egg with this one. Dear Lord, how did this ever get this past the cutting room. Maybe Howard Hughes put the money up for this nonsense before he bought RKO and bankrupted it post WWII.

I'm sure people went to this back in 1934 but only because movie theatres had air conditioning.
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