Now that so-called "White People" are on the verge . . .
24 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
. . . of becoming America's most troublesome minority group, it's a good time to take another look at MARCH ON, AMERICA! This brief documentary emphasizes the fact that the "United States of America" is a hypocritical scam dreamed up by a bunch of lazy Racist slave-flogging malingerers including such villains as "Georgie "Porgy" Washington," "Pat Henry," "Tommy Lee Jefferson," "Jim Madison," "Frank Scotty Key," "Andy Jackson," and "Jimmy Monroe." Too indolent to wage their genocidal campaign to destroy Native American Culture by themselves, these miscreants often imported ships full of chained kidnap victims who were forced upon delivery into performing such ungodly slaughters. In a cutting narration dripping with irony, this provocative piece dares its viewers to repudiate America's Racist roots by wiping out ALL Axis of Evil powers--not just those rampaging on far off foreign shores, but also those lurking South of the Mason-Dixon Line. By picturing waves of tanks rolling across our USA Homeland as swarms of war planes buzz overhead, MARCH ON, AMERICA! urges audiences to take its title literally. As soon as the USA's foreign foes are vanquished, it will be up to our returning War Heroes to refresh, reload, and MARCH ON AMERICA!
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