The Fugitive: Concrete Evidence (1967)
Season 4, Episode 18
Dying man looks to atone for past sins
28 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode has Dr. Kimble looking for work and getting hired at a construction company. The owner knows about Kimble's identity and decides that having him as a worker would help him medically because he has a heart condition which he has kept private from others. The construction owner has a past tragedy that involved a newly constructed building which collapsed and killed several children and left his young daughter mentally damaged from the experience. He secretly tries to camouflage a building project for a motel, but is really for a children's hospital. It appears that he is doing it to atone for the building accident tragedy from his past. The construction owner has to deal with city protestors as well as his combative spouse and copartner. In the end after his death, his wife continues his project for building a hospital. This episode had a more interesting plot development than the episode just before this one. The prior episode with Anne Francis and Charles Bronson went by at a boring pace with little urgency. Also, Bronson as an undercover federal agent was not that credible in my opinion. The only aspect of this episode that did not quite make sense was the interaction between the construction owner's wife (Celeste Holm) and Doctor Kimble. She tries to get rid of him, but Kimble refuses to leave unless the construction owner tells him to. In some of the other episodes, when the situation became inhospitable for Kimble, he would just high tail it out of there since he was a transient worker.
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