Sweet Hostage (1975 TV Movie)
The ultimate male fantasy
1 April 2019
The ultimate male fantasy. kidnap a beautiful girl, joust with her for a while and then she falls in love with you. MARTIN SHEEN plays a romantic young man who escapes from a mental asylum and kidnaps country cow girl LINDA BLAIR on the way. they shack up in a cabin in the woods. the girl who has problems with her bickering parents begins to fall for her poetry reciting kidnapper. it is a nice breezy romantic comedy that could have been a lot more. maybe SHEEN (who is a terrific actor) wasnt the best actor to play the role. but LINDA BLAIR is simply adorable in her cowboy dress. the film clearly emphasizes its love for the wild and the romantic, beginning with BLAIR's encounter with a rattlesnake early in the film. the cabin in the woods and locales tickle your fantasies. i am curious about the book, the movie is based on. SHEEN acted in two other movies which involved dangerous encounters with teenage girls - BADLANDS and THE LITTLE GIRL WHO LIVES DOWN THE LANE.

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