Review of Divorce

Divorce (1945)
Trophy Husband
9 April 2019
At one time Monogram Pictures could not have afforded the services of the three leads, Kay Francis, Bruce Cabot and Helen Mack. But by 1945 all had seen their best box office days so they were working for Sam Katzman and Monogram.

At least Katzman didn't butcher this film in the editing department. The title says it all, what the subject is about. Bruce Cabot a roughneck contractor fresh home from the war falls for chic society girl Kay Francis who collects trophy husbands. She's had four and wants to make Cabot five.

Only he's slightly married to Helen Mack with two kids. No stopping Kay though as they all end up in Judge Jerome Cowan's Divorce Court.

Given the times and the omnipresent Code, Divorce follows some strict guidelines. Everyone behaves quite heroically and even Francis in the end knows she's following a path that will lead to no good.

It's all pure soap opera, but from Monogram Divorce is positively elegant.
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